ASID Pennsylvania East

2020 IDA Competition

Awards Program Dates

Registration Open
From: October 25, 2019 12:00AM EDTTo: February 29, 2020 11:59PM EST
Entry Management Open
From: October 25, 2019 12:00AM EDTTo: February 29, 2020 11:00PM EST
Rules & Regulations


Interior Design Awards 2020 Competition Requirements


  • The IDAs are open to any individual or firm practicing interior design within the geographic area served by the Pennsylvania East Chapter of the ASID. A project is eligible if it has been completed after January 1, 2018 and has not previously won an IDA.
  • All entries must be actual, physically installed projects; with the exception of the Student Category.
  • Each entry requires an entry fee.
  • You may only enter a space once. For example – if you enter an entire home in one of the Single Family Residence categories and include a picture of the kitchen, you cannot enter that kitchen in any of the Residential Kitchen categories.
  • New this year - Winners will not be notified in advance. They will be announced during the awards presentation at the Gala

   Competition Schedule

  • 10/25/2019    Start of competition. Competition information and details of past winners are available online at
  • 2/28/2020      11:59 pm deadline for all entries
  • 3/6/2020      Judging of entries begins
  • 4/10/2020      Judging of entries completed
  • 5/15/2020      IDA 2020 Awards Gala to be held at the historic Mitten Hall at Temple University
  • 5/22/2020      Digital Award Release Forms due from all competition winners
  • No later than 5/29/2020 - Digital Award badges sent out


Entry Fees:

  • First project entry: ASID Members:$150.00, Non- ASID Members: 175.00
  • Each additional project entry by the same firm or individual: $ 125.00 for all
  • Students: $ 30.00 per project entry

Entry Submission Requirements:

  •  Create your login on the competition site and fill in your profle.
     Once you have your login, go to the Contest page to register and pay for each of your entries.
  • After you pay for your entries, be sure to complete the IDA 2020 Entry and Release Form.  This form will not be visible to judges.
  • You will submit your entries electronically via CPJ Association Management entry system.  Failure to include the required information and documentation will result in disqualification.
  • IMPORTANT:  Remove all title blocks, logos, firm names or client information from all images being submitted for the competition. This includes the file name of the photo.
  • No computer rendered images allowed - photography only.  The exception to this is the Student Award category.
  • Be sure to submit your Project Design board photo. This will not be seen by the Judges so it may contain your firm’s information. This photo will be used to print the Design boards of the first place winners.

Entry Submissions (Required for each project being entered in the IDA Competition):

  • Design concept statement:  200 words or less.  Do not include the firm's name or project name in the design concept statement.
  • Photographs to be 300 dpi and no larger than 10MB (2 MB minimum, 4 MB preferred)
  • IMPORTANTRemove all title blocks, logos, and firm and project names from the images.
  • Maximum of 8 after project photos.
  • Maximum of 4 supporting images (i.e. before plan, after plan, reflected ceiling plan, before photographs, etc.)
  • Complete the IDA 2020 Entry and Release Form. This form must be completed for each entry.                         Please note that this form will not be visible to the judges.
  • Submit your Project Design board photo as a PDF. Design Boards will be 20"h x 30"w - (horizontal format). Photo to be 300 DPI and no larger than 10 MB.


  • First Place (for each Residential and Commercial category)
  • Honorable Mention (for each Residential and Commercial category)
  • Student Award
  • Best of Show - Residential
  • Best of Show - Commercial

Judging Criteria:

  • The IDA 2020 Judging Criteria are available online at
  • Maximum number of points a project can receive is 110 points.
  • A project must receive a minimum of 60 points to be considered for an award.

Notification to Award Winners:

  • Award winners will be notified at the IDA Gala.
  • First place winners will have their design board on display at the IDA 2020 Awards Gala
  • Design Boards will be 20"h x 30"w - (horizontal format).
  • Design boards will be printed by the ASID PA East Chapter

IDA 2020 Digital Award Release Form:

  • Following the awards gala, competition winners will receive a Digital Award Release Form.
  • Once the Release Form has been returned, competition winners will receive their IDA 2020 Digital Award badge.
  • No badges will be issued unless the Digital Award Release Form has been returned.

Photographic Release:

  • The Pennsylvania East Chapter of the ASID reserves the right to use any and all photographs of projects entered in the 2020 IDA Competition on the IDA website, IDA Facebook page, additional social media platforms, PA East Chapter of the ASID website, ASID PA East Facebook page and the chapter membership directory.

Any questions can be directed to: